Submitting Time Off

How to submit you time off requests.

Brittni Hedley avatar
Written by Brittni Hedley
Updated over a week ago

To access time off submission you’ll first need to open the timeclock sidebar. This is done by clicking on the clock icon on the top right-hand corner of your Shiftlab screen once you are logged in.

After selecting the timeclock icon, you will see the following options at the bottom of the sidebar and select 'Time Off'.

You will be prompted with a pop-up window to fill out the details of your time off request.

Here you can toggle the ‘All Day’ on or off depending on the request.

If the request is a partial day, you will leave ‘All Day’ OFF, input the date, select the start and end time that you are unavailable, choose your store, and any notes you’d like to input for the request details. Then hit ‘Submit’, and this request will go to your leadership that approves time off.

If the request is All Day (or a series of days) you will turn the toggle ON for All Day. This will adjust the details to have you select a start and end date for the time off request, choose your store, and any notes you’d like to input for the request details. Then hit Submit, and this request will go to your leadership that approves Time Off.

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