Managing Users
As a manager, you'll be responsible for helping your employees get into the software so they can see their schedule. All of your employees should be added to the system, but they won't have access until they are invited. In some cases this will be your responsibility. In most cases your admin will handle bulk inviting users. Hopefully this process is seamless and you don't need to be too involved, but if there are issues, you can read the sections below to help your employees through the process.
Inviting Users
For an employee to access their schedule, they need to be invited to the product. They are not automatically invited when we set up your organization. They can be in the employee list and scheduled in your store as an employee, but not have access to Shiftlab as a user.
To add them as a user, navigate to their employee profile in the employees list and click the resend invite button at the top right of the profile. You will be prompted to enter an email address for them or check the email that is already on their profile.
That will initiate an email to them that allows them to access the product. You can read about that authentication flow in the employee guide.
If you cannot find a resend invite button, that means they have already accepted their invite, created a profile, and have logged into the product. In this case you should direct them to go to the authentication page for your domain (https://[YOUR DOMAIN] and click forgot password if they are having issues getting in. You can look up the correct email address on their employee profile to help them reset their password.