This is the feature that makes Shiftlab the easiest scheduler you will ever use. After you build a shift or two, you're able to begin copying and pasting those shifts throughout the scheduling process.
To copy a shift, hover over the shift you would like to copy. A black, paper copy icon (See below) will appear. Click that to copy the shift. You will see a prompt in the top right corner that says "Shift Copied."
To paste the copied shift, hover over an open shift to see the gray Paste box appear. Click the paste button and you've just opened the door to cut your scheduling time drastically.
After you build a full week, you can copy ALL shifts from that week over to the next week by just clicking the green "Copy" button at the top of your schedule. By clicking this button, all scheduling for the following week will be overwritten and you will be taken, automatically, to the newly copied week.