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Shiftlab FAQ

Common Questions we get about Shiftlab

Brittni Hedley avatar
Written by Brittni Hedley
Updated over 2 years ago

Q. Where do I log-in to Shiftlab?

To access your account, type in If you need assistance with the company name, please let us know.

Q. How do I download the mobile app?

To download the app, follow the steps that can be found here:

Q. What is my username?

Your username is the work email address associated with your account.

Q. How do I change my password?

To change your password, click 'Forgot Password' on the log-in page and follow the steps.

Q. How can I see what employees have days off?

To view what days an employee is off, visit your schedule by clicking My Schedule. If a blank box is present, the employee is not scheduled to work for that day.

Q. How do I add or remove an employee?

Click "Employees" at the top of the screen. On the employee page, search for the employee name, and open their profile. All assigned locations will be along the bottom under 'Stores'.

To remove them from a location's schedule you will hit 'Unassign'.

To add them to a store you will click ‘Assign’, then select the Area, District and Store, then Save.

Q. How do I send an employee's Shiftlab invite?

Click “Employees” at the top of the screen. On the employee page search for the employee, click their name and you'll see "Send Invite" in red or "Resend Invite" in yellow.

Q. Can I add employees to new and/or multiple locations?

Yes! You just click "employees" up at the top of the screen, search for the employee's name and open their profile. At the bottom of their profile under 'Stores' you can 'Assign' and add the details for the store(s) you want to add.

Q. How do I change an employee’s role?

Employee roles are pulled from RQ with the iQmetrix integration. This information is shared with Shiftlab hourly and will update shortly after being updated in iQmetrix.

Q. How do I block off employee days?

If you hover over any blank space on the schedule you will see a blue 'Pref' appear. That is an employee preference. If you click 'Pref' you will get a pop-up to include all the details for the preference (all day, partial day, if it repeats weekly (or not), and day off or PTO).

Q. How do I copy and paste an entire week of schedules?

At the top right of your scheduling screen, there's a little toolbox icon. Once you click on the toolbox you will see 'Copy'. You will get a pop-up to select which week(s) you would like to paste to.

Q. What do the colored shifts mean?

The colored shifts are calculated by taking the forecast divided by the number of hours/people you have scheduled. The top 20% of your shifts are colored dark green and the bottom 20% are colored yellow. The remainder are green.

Q. What does it mean when a shift is Dark Green?

Dark green shifts are the top 20% of your shifts calculated by taking the forecast divided by the number of hours/people you have scheduled. These are heavy sales shifts.

Q. What does it mean when a shift is Yellow?

Yellow shifts are the bottom 20% of your shifts calculated by taking the forecast divided by the number of hours/people you have scheduled. These are slower shifts where you might complete operational duties or reduce hours.

Q. What does it mean when a shift is Green?

Green shifts are the middle 60% of your shifts calculated by taking the forecast divided by the number of hours/people you have scheduled. These are average sale shifts and don’t actively need action taken.

Q. What are the dollar amounts by the employee names?

It is showing the employees sales for the week in the metric that your company uses to rank employees on. If you hover over the number a pop-up will appear letting you know what metric we have applied.

Q. How do I print out my schedule?

If you click on the toolbox icon in the top right corner of your Shiftlab screen, you will see the option to 'Print'.

Q. Does the schedule save automatically?

Yes, shifts are saved as you add them.

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