Time Clock Updates
Adding Shift Type (non-selling, regular, etc.) to Timecard.
Shift type from schedule page will show on each individual timecard entry
And shift type can be edited in the timecard anytime.
Can now add a manual punch with a shift type.
Timecard Audit Report (by employee)
Ability to export an excel file that will outline every single timecard edit.
Improved clarity in time clock side panel for employees
If an employee is not scheduled, employee will see a greyed out ‘Not Scheduled’ button instead of a greyed out 'Start Shift’ button if clock-in prevention settings don’t allow an unscheduled user to punch in.
If an employee’s title is one that has their punches auto-generated, that employee will now see ‘Auto Punch Enabled’ instead of ‘Start Shift’ greyed out.
If an employee is scheduled at one location, but tries to punch in at a different location, we will now allow this if early clock-in prevention settings allow an unscheduled employees to punch in.
If using biometrics, and you have a scanner attached to your device that is unauthorized, you will now have an ‘authorize scanner’ box that allows you to choose the store you are assigning the scanner to.
This permission is tied to the permission to authorize browsers
Time Off Request Updates
Ability to search and sort in the Time Off request portal
Updates to time off extract
Add submitted date of request
Add employee title
Showing time off request details on the schedule page
Additional Updates
Company setting added to choose which role and assign/unassign users from stores
Update to Scheduling Extract v2.0
Added a Notes column to include any shift notes
Pulse update for better clarity on two shifts in a day
RQ embedded improvements to get proper userID
Optimization to improve Attendance Detail performance
Database performance improvements
French plugin text changes
Shift swap bugs
Drag/drop allowed overlap – resolved
Copy/paste allowed overlap – resolved
Deleting a recurring preference preserves all entries prior to the deletion date